Criminal Defense Attorney
Experience you can trust with over a decade of litigation experience.
Based out of downtown Evansville, Law Office of Jon Humphress is committed to effectively serving the legal needs of the people of southwestern Indiana.
Whether you’ve been issued a traffic citation, arrested for operating while intoxicated, or charged with any misdemeanor or felony, we are here to help. We offer confidential free consultations to see how we can best meet your current and future legal needs.
Contact Us
108 NW Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd.
(located in Scates Law building)
Evansville, IN 47708
(812) 585-3528
“We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.”
– Edmund Burke
Get in Touch
If you are in need of legal advice or think you might need legal counsel, please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Jon Humphress. Often times in order to get the best results, it helps to get ahead of the problem and be proactive by contacting an attorney for a consultation.